MIRACLE is a divinely process. MAGIC is a tool a magician uses to create an illusion. That means MAGIC is something unreal. Hence, keep expecting and work towards MIRACLE and not MAGIC.
Always believe in MIRACLE ✨?
Note that, when a surgeon successfully completes an impossible surgery, what does he say ? – “It’s a MIRACLE!” He doesn’t say, “It’s a MAGIC.” Got the difference?
– Keep repeating this line everyday to fill your life with MIRACLES.

– Keep repeating this line everyday to fill your life with MIRACLES.
According to the metaphysical text A Course in Miracles, ‘Miracles occur naturally as expressions of affection.’ But numerous folks find it hard to believe them, and positively don’t feel that we deserve them. Why?
We’ve been mentioned during a world that measures everything and judges accordingly. So, people qualify what we own, how much money we earn, what clothes we wear, what we glance like, and so on, and that we do an equivalent. Generally this measuring instrument makes us feel that we’re not complete or not ok. These feelings begin to write down our inner story and therefore the inner story tells us that we don’t deserve miracles. Anyway, miracles are limited – if we receive one, we’re depriving someone else of one. And that’s not fair.
It’s time to change this. It’s time to rewrite this story and cultivate a life that fulfils us on all levels – a life that is constantly open to miracles.
What’s more, we will all have miracles. A Course in Miracles also says:
‘Miracles aren’t in competition, and therefore the number of them that you simply can do is limitless.’ You deserve miracles in your life just because you exist. As far as I’m concerned, we are all miracles within the first place and that we can all create them in our life. Quite simply, a miracle may be a shift in perception – it’s a change within the way we expect and ultimately it’s a change in our life.
It doesn’t need to be a dramatic outer event – it are often a subtle inner shift that makes a sense of wholeness and richness in our life. No miracle is bigger or smaller than subsequent.
The changing of our thoughts is not any greater miracle than the looks of a holy master. Letting go of the measuring instrument is vital here. If we see something as greater, we make it inaccessible in our mind, and if our mind creates our world, meaning we make it inaccessible in our life. Here’s an idea that has helped me. It’s from my journal: ‘It’s not how big the miracle is – it’s what proportion room you create for it.’
When you raise your vibration, you create room for miracles in your life. You prepare the space within yourself to receive love and support from the universe. And once you create a daily spiritual practice, you’re basically taking the time to remind yourself that you simply need to be supported and you deserve miracles.
Healing Hugs ? and Love ❤️